Since we withdrew from our role as the drift competition organiser for the MICCOS event. I had decided to participate in GRA’s round 3 and try to salvage whatever position I had since I had missed GRA round 2 due to the clashing of dates of Formula D Singapore. In round 1, I was running 2nd in Pro OD class and I hope to get a least a top 5 by the end of the series.
I have always enjoyed the GRA competition as not only the experience gained from entering such an event has help me to improve as a driver but also because the event is so well organised , kudos to Mr and Mrs Ian Khong!!

Mr and Mrs Ian Khong and Mr Tang MAM steward
The other competitors competing also make up the reason why its such a joy to be part of this Auto cross event! With Top pros such as Ivan Khong , Andy Kow, Mike Ng and Mickey Teoh ,all willing to share their experience and are extremely generous with tips and advise on improving your runs!!

Two of my sifus; Mike Ng and Mickey Teoh
This round is said to be the fastest out of the series , with cars hitting in access of 160km/h on the straights. A total of over 60 participants made out of Pro and Beginner categories

Lim Joe Han with his V8 Cefrio winning fastest FR NA class and the Bling bling award!!

Joe Han showing us his is slim enough to fit under the car’s undercarriage without the aid of a jack
Tina showing us her bolting skills 🙂

Yoong’s run were extremely clean and fast!!! He was running on a killer combo of RS sports in the front and rear..thanks for the tips bro..
As usual Yoong was super fast that day clinching the fastest overall time and 1st place in Pro OD with almost 3 seconds ahead from 2nd fastest Andy Kow with me trailing Andy by a hair below 1 sec!!

Results were posted after each run
Yoong practicing his pose to the camera when recieving his 1st place trophy during the award ceremony
The Eco Coat girls
Yoong 1st!!!
Andy Kow recieves 2nd
Me in 3rd
Ivan Khong in 4th

The S13 which I was competing in for this event was fresh from FxOpen event we entered the week before. Running on Eagel Rs sport in front and the Eagle F1 Asymetric in the rear, I was fairly confident that this set up would be perform well for a competition of this genre as tyre tempreture would not be as high as it is as compared to drifting. This is in regards with the Asymetrics which I felt , behaved a lot differently from the normal RevSpec we usually run behind ! What I really was impressed with was its low tempreture performance which I think would come as a bonus here in GRA. Looking at our used Asymetrics we had from the Malacca event, I had noticed that tire wear was more evident on the inner side of the tire, a clear sign of the soft wall technology these tyres had incorporated in its design. It was then apparent that, due to inexperience , we were running too low of a pressure thinking that it will give us more grip. So I decided to run on a slightly higher pressure and see how it performed.
The tyres performed execptionally well, worthy of its 5 star ratings it had received in reviews. So much so that I had not only placed 3rd fastest in the OD catagory but also 3rd overall!!!This I believe is the first podium finish for Goodyear Eagel F1 Asymetric in a competition in Malaysia!!!
