Here’s a video Wanbra took of me trying out various lines to set up the placement of the rear clipping zone.. the fact that the AE86 had a badly leaking exhaust manifold and a stuffed up flexi exhaust joint (strangely, the thing unraveled into a ball of wires inside the joint itself) didn’t help one bit with the power hence the clutch kicking(s) during mid drift.
The in car video shows how hard it is to turn the steering. Unlike my AE86 coupe, the hatchback has unusually tight/hard steering action..I’ve tried everything from changing steering racks, reducing caster and chamber to changing lower arm but to no avail. Even AE86 experts such as Ivan Lau and Charlie are at the loss at offering a solution. So if anyone out there who could help…One thing good though, my arms are super tone from the work out .
Full coverage of the event could be found at the link below